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Price: $3.20 ($0.07 / oz) Free Super Saving Shipping & Free Returns Details
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Sitting snug as a hug in a color-rich car seat is the "write" baby shower favor to drive everyone wild. This bundled-up baby heading down life's highway is actually an expandable pen. The multi-colored, polka-dotted "baby blanket" is the base for the pen, and baby's almost-bald head becomes the top of the colorful yellow, light-green, pink and blue telescoping pen. Cleverly contained in clear, gift-box packaging, this "noteworthy" baby rides comfortably in a cute, cardboard car seat covered with polka dots that match baby's blanket. The pen is approximately 3" high and 5.5" high when expanded. The gift box measures 3" high, 2.25" deep and 1.75" wide. Click here to view baby shower tag designs.
Kate Aspen "Baby On Board" Expandable Pen in Car Seat Packaging
Sitting snug as a hug in a color-rich car seat is the “write” baby shower favor to drive everyone wild! This bundled-up baby heading down life’s highway is actually an expandable pen! The multi-colored, polka-dotted “baby blanket” is the base for the pen, and baby’s almost-bald head becomes the top of the colorful—yellow, light-green, pink and blue—telescoping pen. Cleverly contained in clear, gift-box packaging, this “noteworthy” baby rides comfortably in a cute, cardboard car seat covered with polka dots that match baby’s blanket. The pen is approximately 3” high and 5 ½” high when expanded. The gift box measures 3” high, 2 ¼” deep and 1 ¾” wide.
Product Features
Package Quantity: 1
The pen is approximately 3" high and 5.5" high when expanded
The gift box measures 3" high, 2.25" deep and 1.75" wide
Cleverly contained in clear, gift-box packaging, this "noteworthy" baby rides comfortably in a cute, cardboard car seat covered with polka dots that match baby's blanket